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"I will argue that the distinction between a "living planet" (a geologically active planet) and a living cell is only a matter of definition. There is no strict dividing line. Geochemistry gives way to biochemistry seamlessly. From this point of view, the fact that we cannot distinguish between geology and biology in these ancient rocks is appropriate. Here we have a living planet giving rise to life, and the two cannot be separated without breaking a continuum." Nick Lane, The Vital Question (2015).


The skin as a boundary between inside and outside. Its outermost layers functioning as permeable protectors between one world and the other. The frontier between two geographical spaces deliberately defined by humans. Skin cells are considered alive, but their individual components are not. The border between the living and the non-living, more than microscopic, is unrecognizable, indescribable, impossible to find. Is the border of the living in the carbon bonds capable of creating compound molecules or in the elements that compose the medium in which life appears? - Gaia as a living organism that creates life and also creates non-life. A virus, a microorganism that is not formed by cells, constituted by genetic material, but that does not comply with some of the rules to be considered a living being. Nucleic acid inside a protein capsule in search of a living organism in order to reproduce itself. A non-living life form. How can a non-living organism jeopardize the living? What is living in organisms considered living? How can we understand the living and the non-living in new ways?


In Non-Existant Frontiers we want to question and explore all the frontiers that only exist in our current narratives, but are not perceptible or distinguishable when we go deeper into observation. Boundaries that are imposed, invented or that science has not been able to discover or establish. Limits that lead us today to tensions, discrimination and social fragmentation. How far does particle physics go in the search for the limit of matter? How far does geography go in the search for the limit in a river that divides two regions? How far does the social define borders in gender?


Fuzzy, fictitious, imposed frontiers. Non-Existant Frontiers.


Imagen: About red and shift por Daniela Brill Estrada. 2020


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A|CERCA DEL ORIGEN is the experience of approaching quantum physics and astrophysics, of forming ourselves as a heterogeneous network of organizations, groups and creatives, and of creating the first connections that activated the movement, exchange and collaboration that we see in it today. As a meeting of some of those nodes and co-organizers of the diverse spaces of the Network, the editors of this book wanted to compile and put in these pages a part of those memories of what has been thought in it and how we have found ourselves in these nearly three years, since the Suratómica space was proposed. This book gathers creative and academic texts, records of meeting spaces, works and many ideas of the creatives connected during its first cycle, which began with the launching of a residency program in the CERN laboratories and closed with the first Festival. In its pages you will also find the context of Inexistent Frontiers, which emerged to strengthen our connections during the Covid-19 pandemic, as we collectively thought about how understanding the "living | non-living" transforms our ways of knowing and our way of existing as a Network.

This book has been made in a free, open, collective and collaborative way. Partial or total copying of its texts in any format is allowed and encouraged, as long as it is non-profit or commercial, the content is maintained and the authorship is mentioned. The images used in this book belong to the artists who create them. The images may be used and reproduced only in the context of the book and accompanying texts, provided they are not for profit or commercial purposes, are not modified, and retain the authorship credit. This book is published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND-NC 4.0 License. The commercialization rights are reserved to Corporación Creación - Arte & Ciencia.


Published with the support of the grant Es Cultura Local 2020, Localidad de Teusaquillo. Awarded by the Programa Distrital de Estímulos (PDE) of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes (IDARTES) and the Alcaldía Local de Teusaquillo.



Red de experimentación sonora

Network for sound experimentation

Integramos esta red artistas sonoros, investigadores y creativos de ámbitos multidisciplinarios, que compartimos un interés común por explorar las posibilidades participativas de la cultura de la escucha en el mundo contemporáneo.

This network is formed by sound artists, researchers and creatives from multidisciplinary fields, who share a common interest in exploring the participatory possibilities of the culture of listening in the contemporary world.



Red colombiana de física de altas energías

Colombian network on high energy physics

Esta red nacional, creada en 2016, reúne a físicos de partículas y astrofísicos de 18 universidades e instituciones de todo el país, con el objetivo de fortalecer su práctica, crear conocimiento y divulgarlo.

Físicos de partículas y astrofísicos jóvenes y experimentados, nacionales e internacionales, se reúnen anualmente en el COMHEP, Encuentro Colombiano de Física de Altas Energías, para discutir el progreso reciente en la física de partículas, la cosmología y otras áreas relacionadas.

Grupos de investigación y científicos de esta red trabajan con diversos experimentos del CERN y han apoyado el proceso de investigación-creación de los artistas invitados y al fortalecimiento del programa Suratómica desde su inicio en 2019.

This national network, created in 2016, brings together particle physicists and astrophysicists from 18 universities and institutions across the country, with the aim of strengthening their practice, creating knowledge and disseminating it.

Young and senior particle physicists and astrophysicists, national and international, meet annually at COMHEP, Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics, to discuss recent progress in particle physics, cosmology and other related areas.

Research groups and scientists of this network work with various CERN experiments and have supported the research-creation process of the invited artists and the strengthening of the Suratómica program since its beginning in 2019.




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