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Cloud Chamber

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

13.03.2020 (Postponed)

By: Edna Orozco, Carlos Sandoval

With the support of: Margarita González

Frame of the video Cloud Chamber Courtesy by Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations. (2019)
Frame of the video Cloud Chamber Courtesy by Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations. (2019)

Scientific and artistic laboratory that seeks to introduce artists to the world of particle physics. During several sessions the artists experiment and learn about physics and the origin of the universe, practicing in the physics laboratories of the National University. As a result, they create a collective audiovisual installation, based on the experiment "Cloud Chamber" (Fog Chamber), a particle detector that allows to see with the naked eye the trajectories of various particles, with a simple technique.

With the support of: Faculty of Sciences UNAL and CONHEP Network.


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