I Version 11-12.04.19 At Universidad Nacional
II Version 13.06.19 At El Solar. Pereira
III Version 25-09.20 On Digital Platforms
Lecture and workshop that explore the relationship between scientific and artistic creative processes. The result is the creation of research-creation questions that can later become Creation Projects.
The artist observes, studies, records, registers, analyzes, concludes and creates a sensorial object in which the method practiced is reflected from the origin of the idea in thought to its consequence in space. The scientific method applied to art is not very different from the scientific method applied to science. It is, in both cases, a process of creation based on a question, curiosity or observation, followed by a hypothesis, then theory, and finally law or work. In both cases it is a series of procedures that bring new knowledge to the world.
This workshop seeks a way to approach science from art through a series of steps that bring the scientific method and the processes of artistic creation closer together. In this way, the limitations of and between the two disciplines are eliminated, and one learns to take advantage of their points of union.
Is there a difference between the creation of scientific knowledge and the creation of artistic works, what are the different steps of artistic thinking and what are the different steps of scientific thinking, what is the difference between a hypothesis, a sketch, an experimentation and an analysis of materials in both disciplines, how does the artistic "product" differ from the scientific "product", can they be one and the same?
Created by: Daniela Brill | Natalia Rivera
I Version Organized together with: Luis Fernando Medina Tecnopoéticas
II Version Organized together with: Glom Lab
II Versión Replicated by: Catalina Gómez
III Version Organized together with: CONHEP Network
III Version Replicated by: Daniela Brill, Natalia Rivera
III Version Event: II CoCo Cosmology Meeting in Colombia