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RELATA 13 Encounter of Creation - Art and Science

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

RELATA Relations that create existences

13 Encounter of Creation - Art and Science


6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Auditorio A. Edificio de Aulas de Ciencias - Gloria Galeano 564

Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Bogotá.



RELATA Invitation Image: Monica C.LoCascio - experimental processes with bacterial cellulose, 2022
RELATA Invitation Image: Monica C.LoCascio - experimental processes with bacterial cellulose, 2022

Relata - relations that create existences

The term relata is introduced by Karen Barad to refer to entities whose existence is possible only thanks to the relationships that make them possible. That is to say, relations precede bodies, forms of existences. Relata do not exist as independent entities, but are related to their environment, or to other entities: forms of existence in the universe created by the relations that construct them. Barad calls these relations "intraactions" and not "interactions," because "interaction" presupposes individual entities existing prior to the relation, whereas "intraaction" is the relation by which existences are constructed and exist in and because of the relation itself.

"In quantum physics, no object has any position until it encounters another object, so much so that (...) not only the relation is real, but <<only the relation is real>>, because the world is made of relations long before it is made of objects." Chiara Bottici

In this encounter of Art and Science, Suratómica wants to delve into creative, investigative, and/or curious processes that explore the relationships that make possible, construct, create different forms of existences. By focusing on the relationships that enable existences, from the most microscopic (examples symbiosis or quantum entanglements) to the social (examples the narratives and social relationships that form our bodies), geographical (how the geography where entities exist shapes them), universal (how each photon of the sun is necessary for the growth of plants), we propose a space where hierarchies, scales, dualisms and taxonomies cease to exist, and we see ourselves (and the world) as bodies and related forms of existence, as relatas.

Text BY: daniela brill estrada


Electrobiotas Collective

Multispecies collective and artistic experimentation laboratory founded in 2014 by Mexican transmedia artists Gabriela Munguía and Guadalupe Chávez. Contextualized in Latin American doing and thinking and from multiple approaches typical of electronic arts, bioart, environmental humanities, cultural biology, ancestral recovery and southern epistemologies, they investigate possible interspecies expressions and gestures. Together they coordinate the Rizosférico Laboratory, an experimental education project on the environment, art and open technologies. Its production has been exhibited at different international festivals and exhibitions.

Paraná ashes: Rhizospheric resilience and resistance

Paraná ashes. Electrobiota Collective
Paraná ashes. Electrobiota Collective

Electrobiota Collective
Electrobiota Collective


Collective “Toda la Teoría del Universo”

We are a collective platform, which has a cultural center body, whose impulse is collaboration. Encouraging the exchange of knowledge and experiences around the resignification of the experience of technologies; through the arts and other aspects. We do it from a Latin American approach, trying to understand the cultural developments of the different territories, through an open dialogue, which is deepened in the transdisciplinary exchange.

Waves smoothing rocks, experiences of knowledge flows.

In this brief presentation we will comment on the experiences of festivals, residencies, trainings and editorials through the process we call technological sensitization, in which the boxes in which the knowledge has been packaged dissolve in the creation and community dialogue, generating networks and emotional ties.

TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores
TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores

Mapping Lab Crimen. TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores
Mapping Lab Crimen. TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores

TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores
TTU Collective. Photo by Constanza Flores


Corina Lipavsky

Digital artist, researcher and teacher. In her work, she uses electronic media and programming to create generative works of art that seek to establish relationships between art, technology, and nature. Her practice ranges from print and video, to digital applications, NFTs, and installation.


ANIMA MUNDI is a project that explores the idea of interspecies communication. A fabled approach to the language of plants and the network of interactions that connects us with them. It comprises a series of generative audiovisuals, dynamic organic abstractions resulting from the visualization and sonification of biological data in real time. Using a humidity sensor, data is obtained from various plant species. This data is processed by software to create random shapes, sounds, and movements with it.

ANIMA MUNDI (2022). Corina Lipavsky
ANIMA MUNDI (2022). Corina Lipavsky

Corina Lipavsky
Corina Lipavsky


José Antonio Barrientos González

(Mexico, 1988) is an artist and cultural manager. His practice is enunciated from autobiography to rethink sexuality from the observation of cuir behaviors in living matter.


No one is ever just one. We are all always multiple. It is the coincidences and disagreements with other forms of existence that, by gaining relevance within us, show our strength and vulnerability. From one moment to the next, what surrounds us can, even unintentionally, take one or all of our organs by assault. Same thing in the form of an opportunistic infection or falling in love at first sight.

Thus, as if love and pathogens were the same thing, this project shows a metaphor for the intricacies of human and interspecies relationships. Not even by loving each other have we been only two. Lovers communicate all kinds of information. One body transmits emotions, behaviors and also millions of microscopic organisms to another that, from the first meeting, will be shared; From the first meeting, everything is ours. There is no escape. No one is ever just one. We are all first person plural, traversed and traversing others in the same condition: everything is ours, everything is us/others.

We/Others was not only an exhibition project, as part of the process there were also face-to-face conversations and a cycle of virtual talks entitled "Post-pandemic Imaginaries".

Nos/otros. José Antonio Barrientos González.
Nos/otros. José Antonio Barrientos González.

José Antonio Barrientos González.
José Antonio Barrientos González.


Monica Maria Marquez

Doctorate in Philosophy of Science with academic training in philosophy of science from the institute of philosophical research of the national autonomous university of mexico unam, with honorable mention, (50 qs wolrd university ranking); master's degree in philosophy, science and values, from the university of the basque country, spain. studies in the transdisciplinary diploma in experimentation, research and artistic production at the national center of the arts of mexico cenart. undergraduate degree in agronomic engineering at the national university of colombia, medellin, master's degree in phytopathology and unfinished studies in: visual arts at the itm of medellin and literary studies at the upb.


Entropic meaning living processes in the ENTROPIC, also alluding to the Tropic, from the union of two words En- tropic.

The leitmotiv entropy, as a law still incomprehensible in its totality, the transformation of energy:

"A system always evolves to its most probable configuration, which is, at the same time, the one with the most microstates and, the one with the most ENTROPY".

En- tropic, as what happens in the tropics in its delicate web of exuberant life, as a territory where the living is already in constant movement, connecting to other forms every instant.

Entropic as the system that emerges in more complex forms and invisible processes but that go to other places, form networks that take root and become rhizomatic forms. It proposes new evolutions of HABITART, because as a metaphor it refers us to what is being linked in delicate events.

Entrópico. Monica Maria Marquez
Entrópico. Monica Maria Marquez

Monica Maria Marquez
Monica Maria Marquez


Tatiana Avendaño Peña

Transhackfeminist philosopher (Javeriana University) and artist (National University of Colombia). Her interest in surveillance, control, the image and the body in contemporary society led her to the field of Living Arts where creation and thought are for her a resistance tactic and also a field where ethics is debated, aesthetics and politics.

Cuerpx Antenx

“Cuerpx Antenx” starts from the question: Why can't all human beings connect in the same way with the entire living system of which we are a part? The idea that guides my reflection is that all bodies have an electromagnetic charge -more or less- and therefore all bodies emit and receive signals. My objective in practical terms is to develop eating and meditation protocols with which I can hack my body to enhance my sensitivity, enhance my electromagnetic field to emit and receive signals.

It is a process of subtle transformation of my sensitivity and thought regarding our relationship with information and communication technologies, which is woven with a personal process of healing those diseases that manifest the control of capital over our bodies. Seeking to become an Antenx Body, in the first part of this project I meditated with quartz and with a very strict diet I tried to expand the levels of silicon in my body. I am currently working on the chapter "Water body and meditations with ancestral corn".

Ancestral Seeds. Tatiana Avendaño Peña
Ancestral Seeds. Tatiana Avendaño Peña

Cuerpx Agua. Tatiana Avendaño Peña
Cuerpx Agua. Tatiana Avendaño Peña

Tatiana Avendaño Peña
Tatiana Avendaño Peña



Organized by the Suratomic Network - Juan Diego Rivera, Daniela Brill Estrada, Natalia Rivera -, with the support of the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá and the Colombian Network of High Energy Physics CONHEP.


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