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Quanta, Photons and Looks. Volume Holograms


Diego Aguilar

Photographs of volume holograms (2020)
Photographs of volume holograms (2020)

This series of volume holograms of 7.5 cm x 15 cm each, are based on the reflection that took place after the dialogues at the Suratómica Residence at CERN. The resulting holograms are images with three-dimensional information captured on a two-dimensional surface with a 400 mW green laser, and developed on films photosensitive to various light spectra, but specifically worked for this work with 530 nm.

The pieces metaphorically show the stages of capture of the elementary particles resulting from the collisions at the LHC. That is, each hologram retains as if it were a freezing or paralysis of the movement of the collisions of the particles, as is done in the scientific method, to analyze the moments of movement. In the first hologram, particles that just collide are seen, and little by little an extension and distance of the resulting particles in the following holograms. This holographic reconstruction is based on the same graphics and animations for the scientific dissemination of CERN.

As with the ATLAS or CMS sensors, the trajectories of the resulting particles will trace with their motion paths and curvatures that the onion-like layers of the sensors can interpret as movements in three-dimensional spaces in millisecond lapses; in the same way, each individual hologram is a metaphor for what the layers of the sensors of the experiments capture.

However, after the freezing of the movement, the possibility that holography has of capturing the total three-dimensional information, opens up the movement of the image of each layer, based on the will of the observing bodies. The frozen two-dimensional information recovers its kinetics when the spectator can see several perspectives of the same particle and object, and see its characteristics as the gaze travels through it.

That is why the poetic and mimetic object of the human eyes emerges as the abstraction of the particles advances. Similar to the look, the eyes-camera, eyes-sensor of CERN, are sharpened and amplified in each layer that is added. Holograms of volume with the poetics of the LHC capture.

Photographs of volume holograms (2020)
Photographs of volume holograms (2020)

Photographs of volume holograms (2020)
Photographs of volume holograms (2020)

It has been part of:

Mundos Posibles. 9th Creation - Art and Science Encounter. Suratómica Network. 2020

Suratómica Festival Artworks Catalog A|CERCA DEL ORIGEN 2020

Diego's participation in the Suratómica Residence was supported by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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